Member Totals Reports

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Member Totals reports track the number of people visiting the site and how often. Member Totals reports show only the total number of constituents who took a particular action and not the ID/Name of the particular user.

Member Totals reports provide information based on visitor activities during a defined time period. To report on all activities between the site's inception and the current date, simply leave the date selection boxes blank.

  1. Select Member/Site Statistics.
  2. You will be working in the section labeled Member Totals.
  3. Select the total(s) you want to view from the Member Totals list box. You can select multiple reports using the Control or Shift keys.
  4. Select the date range that you want the report to cover.
  5. Click Generate Report.
  6. You will see a preview of the report.
  7. Click Download File to save the report as a CSV file.


Member Totals

Member Total



Generates a report of all the member totals information

Members - New Registered Members

Number of members accepting Terms and Conditions in the specified period.

Members - New Members

Number of new members in the period (includes members imported by Admins)

Members - New Non-members

Number of new non-members in the period (created a non-member account)

Members - Total Members in Community

Total number of members in the community (includes those categorized as deceased)

Members - Total Members in Community Less Deceased

Total number of members in the community (less those categorized as deceased)

Members - New Sub-community Members

Number of new sub-community members in the period

Logins - All Logins

Total number of logins in the period (all login instances including multiple logins per member ID)

Logins - Unique Logins

Total number of Unique logins in the period (unique member IDs that have logged in – excludes multiple logins by the same member)

Profile - Unique Profile Updates

Number of Unique member profile updates in the period (unique member IDs that have updated their profile – excludes multiple updates by the same member)

Profile - Total Tabs Total number of Tabs in the period
Profile - Total Member Fields Categories Total number of Member Field Categories in the period
Profile - Total RSS Feeds Total number of RSS Feeds in the period
Profile - Total Widgets Total number of Widgets in the period

Events - Purchase Revenue

Total dollar amount of event revenue in the period

Events - Number of Items Purchased

Number of event purchases in the period

Events - Number of Registrations

Total number of event registrations in  the period

Donations - Donation Revenue

Total dollar value of donation commitments in the period

Donations - Number of Donations

Total Number of donation commitments in the period

Donations - Top Donation in Period

Dollar amount of the single largest donation commitment in the period

Career Center - WebCards Enabled

Number of new WebCards created in the period

Career Center - Mentors Enabled

Number of new Mentors created in the system in the period

Career Center - Resumes Enabled

Number of new Resumes created in the period 

Career Center - Job Postings Added

Number of Job Postings added in the period

Class Notes - Class Notes Added

Number of Class Notes added in the period

Classifieds - Classifieds Added

Number of Classifieds added in the period

Forms - Number of Forms Built

Number of Forms built in the period

Forms - Number of Forms Edited

Number of Forms edited in the period

Forms - Number of Files Uploaded

Number of files uploaded via Forms in the period

Forms - Number of Forms Started - Unique

Number of Forms started in the period by unique members (unique member IDs that started a form, but did not complete it - excludes multiple starts by the same member ID)

Forms - Number of Forms Started - Total

Total Number of Forms started in the period (includes all forms started, but not completed, including multiple starts by the same member ID)

Forms - Number of Forms Completed - Unique

Number of Forms completed in the period by unique members (excludes multiple forms completed by the same member ID)

Forms - Number of Forms Completed Total

Total Number of Forms completed in the period (includes multiple forms completed by the same member ID)

Forms - Number of Incomplete Forms - Unique

Number of incomplete Forms in the period by unique members (excludes multiple incomplete forms by the same member ID)

Forms - Number of Incomplete Forms - Total

Total Number of incomplete Forms in period (includes multiple incomplete forms by the same member ID)

Friends Lists - New Friends Lists

Number of Friends Lists created in the period

Friends Lists - Total Number of Friends Total number of Friends in the period

Instant Notes - Instant Notes Sent

Number of Instant Notes sent in the period

Library - Library Downloads

Number of files downloaded from the Library in the period

Member Email - Member-to-Member Emails

Number of member to member emails sent in the period

Message Boards - Message Posts

Number of Message Board posts in the period

News - News Articles Opened

Number of News Articles opened in the period

Photos - Member Photos Added

Number of member photos added in the period

Photos - Member Albums Added

Number of member photo albums added in the period

Photos - Unique Member Albums Added

Number of unique member photo albums added in the period (excludes multiple albums added by the same member ID)

Photos - Community Photos Added

Number of community photos added in the period

Photos - Admin/Member/Event Photos Added

Number of Admin, Member, and Event photos added in the period

Photos - Admin/Member/Event Albums Added

Number of Admin, Member, and Event photo albums added in the period

Blogs - Total Blogs 

Number of Blogs added in the period

Blogs - Total Posts Number of Blog Posts added in the period
Groups - Number of Group Event Registrations
Number of group event registrations in the period
Groups - Number of Group Events
Number of group events in the period
Groups - Number of Group Photos
Number of group photos added in the period
Groups - Number of Group Posts Number of group posts added in the period
Groups - Number of New Groups created
Number of groups created in the period
Groups - Total Number of Groups
Total number of groups in the period
Email Marketing - Total Actions Number of email marketing tracking actions taken by users
Email Marketing - Total Clicks Number of times users clicked on a link in an email
Email Marketing - Total Emails sent
Number of emails sent in the period
Email Marketing - Total Emails sent (one-time)
Number of one-time emails sent in the period
Email Marketing - Total Emails sent (recurring)
Number of recurring emails sent in the period
Email Marketing - Total Kickbacks
Number of email bouncebacks in the period
Email Marketing - Total Opens
Number of emails that users opened
Email Marketing - Total Unique Clicks
Number of unique users who clicked on a link in an email
Membership - Membership Purchase Revenue Total dollar amount of Membership revenue in the period
Membership - Number of Memberships Purchased Number of membership purchases in the period