Steps - Membership Form

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Steps/Tabs create additional pages or tabs in your form to organize your information. You can have multiple Steps on a form.

NOTE:  To customize content on steps for different types of members, fields and categories can be role-based.  For example, a form/campaign/event can be designed so only accountants would see information on an accounting seminar, only information technology people would see a software class, etc.  However, to create a good user experience, you need to make sure everyone sees something on every step (so some roles are not taken to a blank page).

Add Step
1. From Manage Form, choose Add Step.
2. Enter a name for the step and click .
3. The step will be added to the form.

Sort Steps
1. From Manage Form, choose Sort Steps.
2. The steps will be displayed. Use the direction buttons to sort them in the desired order.
3. Click Save.

Edit Step Settings
1. From Manage Form, choose Edit Step Settings.
2. From the window that displays, you can control the text that appears on the Step (tab) as well as the navigation buttons that will appear on the step.
3. Click Save.

Delete This Step
1. Make sure you are on the Step you want to delete.
2. From Manage Form,  choose Delete This Step.
3. A confirmation window will appear. Click OK to delete the step.