Campaigns Tab
The various child tabs available on the Campaigns tab are outlined below.
Manage Campaigns Child Tab
- Add New Campaign allows you to create a new Campaign. The steps involved with this are covered in Create a Campaign.
Designations Child Tab
The Designations tab is where you will work to create Designations and Designation Collections. The steps to create Designations and Collections is covered on the Designations page.
Campaign History Child Tab
The Campaign History area will provide a look at the giving history for the person whose name is at the top of the window.
Adjustments - Donations
- To view information on another person, click Find Member Record. This will allow you to do a quick search for a member.
- Enter the name of the person you want to view and click
to search the database.
- Click
to select a person from the search results.
- You will now be viewing that person’s Campaign History.
- Select the arrow by the campaign you want to adjust to view the transactions.
- If any adjustments need to be made, use Adjust.
- Select Full or Partial Adjustment. If making a Partial Adjustment, enter the amount to adjust.
- Click Confirm to complete the adjustment.
NOTE: After you adjust an item, you will still need to refund the money to the constituent through your payment gateway.
Saved Report Child Tab
The Saved Reports area provides quick access to the Campaign Reports that have been saved. You can use the icons in front of each report to run the report at any time.
Scheduled Report Child Tab
The Scheduled Reports area provides quick access to the Campaign Reports that are scheduled to run at set frequencies. You can use the icons in front of each report to make modifications if necessary.
Reconciliation Report Child Tab
The Reconciliation Report area provides quick access to Saved, Scheduled, and Giving Transaction Reconciliation Reports. You can use the icons in front of each report to run the report or to make modifications if necessary. More information on the Giving Transaction Export can be found on the Support Center article.