Attendee List

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The attendee list will show one row for the Primary Registrant and one row for each Guest.  

  • The list will sort alphabetically by the attendee's last name.
  • Guest of verbiage has been added under each guest with the Primary Registrant's name. There is no 'Guest of' column.
  • The names of Attendees who are members will link to their profile page. 
  • The display name is shown on the Attendee List column headers instead of the export name. 

Admin Tool

Allows Admins to manage the attendee list for an event.  Admins can search the list, add an attendee to an event, send an email to attendees, export the list, and also customize the columns that appear.  Select an attendee's name to see their profile page.

To access the Attendee List for an event, from the Manage Forms dropdown, select Attendee List.  Or select Attendee List from the gear icon on the Manage Events page.

More Actions

  • Send Email to Attendees: Only applicable for Legacy Email Marketing - Select the type of email (Custom or Express) you want to send to attendees.  You will be linked directly to the Email Builder, and the recipient list and the subject line will be pre-populated with the event information.
  • Export Attendees: This link will generate an Excel report to download onto your computer.
  • Create Email Segment: This link will create an Email Segment for the new Email Marketing functionality.

Attendee List Dropdown
From the dropdown, select the Event / Activity for which you want to see the Attendee List.  You will also be able to use the more actions dropdown functions for a selected Event/Activity.

NOTE:  For Events with Activities, the dropdown list shown on the Attendee List defaults to show "Event and All Activities". If you would prefer that the dropdown list default to show the name of the main Event, there is a verbiage item that can be utilized. You must be viewing the event from the "front" (user) view to make this change.  In the verbiage editor (for Attendee Lists displayed as in-page content), you will look for the following verbiage item:  [EventAttendeeListASCX_DefaultToEventOnlyFilter].  If "false" is showing as the value, then the dropdown will use the default of  Event and all Activities. Change the value to "true" to show the name of the main Event (for all Events with Activities in the site).  For attendee lists displayed as a pop-up, you can briefly change the Content Properties to "display as in-page content", make the verbiage change, then switch it back to display as a pop-up.

Search the List
Enter a search term to filter the Attendee List.

Add Attendee
You have the option to add an attendee to the list on this page.  Attendees added here will appear in the attendee list, but will not appear in the standard event reporting and will not count toward your capacity limits.  Attendees will need to be added to each event/activity they want to attend.  Use the icons to the left of the attendee to edit or delete.

  • Select the Add Attendee button.
  • Enter the name of the attendee.
  • Select the Event/Activity they wish to attend (If the dropdown list is showing).
  • Click the disk  to save.

Manage Columns
This function allows Admins to customize the columns and the column order in the Attendee List/Report.  Click the Manage Columns button and select the columns you want to appear in the Admin Attendee List/Export/Name Tag List.

Member View

This is the Attendee List that members will see (if you indicated during event creation that you want to provide members an Attendee List for the Event).  If members have chosen to opt-out of appearing on the Attendee List, their names will not appear on this list.  Members can select a name to see an attendee's profile.  Admins can manage the columns that appear in the Member View.

Customize the Attendee List Page
(for Attendee Lists displayed as in-page content)

  • Page Title:  Create your own page title or accept the default.
  • Page Instructions/ Introduction :  Add content / images as an introduction or instructions. This may be left blank.
  • Use the View Attendee List button to see the final layout of your page, or click Save Instructions.

Attendee List Dropdown
From the dropdown, members can select the Event / Activity for which they want to see the Attendee List.

Search the List
Members enter a search term to filter the Attendee List.

PDF File
Members can select the icon to download a PDF file of the Attendee List.

NOTE:  You can choose to remove the PDF icon for the Member Attendee List (for Attendee Lists displayed as in-page content) by editing the verbiage item. You must be viewing the event from the "front" (user) view to make this change.   In the verbiage editor, you will see the following verbiage item:  [EventAttendeeListASCX_ShowPDFButton].  If "true" is showing, then the PDF icon will display. Change the value to "false" to remove the icon for all Events on your site. (For attendee lists displayed as a pop-up, you can briefly change the Content Properties to "display as in-page content", make the verbiage change, then switch it back to display as a pop-up.

Manage Columns
This function allows Admins to customize the columns and the column order in the Member View of the Attendee List.  Click the Manage Columns button and select the columns you want to appear in the Member Attendee List.

NOTE: The class year will not populate on the attendee list unless the constituent is logged in or if you have the Class Year field on the form for them to fill out. If Identity Checkpoint is enabled, then that would also help pull in the Class Year field after you merge their records.