- Event Form Export
- Campaign Form Export
- Designations Export
- Events Reconciliation Export
- Campaign Reconciliation and Designations Reconciliation Export
- Event Donation Report
Event Form Export
When a donation category is added to an event, two columns will potentially be added to the event export. The Campaign Name and Donation Amount columns will be added after Date Added. These columns will be added even before a transaction has gone through. Adding the donation category adds the columns.
The Campaign Name column will always be added to the export when the donation category is added to the event. The Donation Amount will only be added if the 'Show donation amounts to Event Admins' option is is enabled (checked) by the Campaign Admin when setting up the campaign.
If this option is disabled, the Donation Amount column will not be included in the export.
NOTE: If this option is disabled (not checked), the event admin will still be able to see the donation amount in the admin confirmation email. In order to not see the donation amount, the confirmation email that is sent to the Event Admin should only include the [Event Form Data] token or the [Event Form No Blanks] token.
If a donation comes in through the event, Campaign Name will be populated with the name of the campaign tied to the donation category and the donation amount field will be populated with the total amount of the donation.
Additional business rules for the Event Form Export
- If scheduled payments were set up for the donation, the donation amount would be the total amount for the donation. The recurring billing information would be found in the campaign export. If a donation does not come in through the event, the Campaign Name and Donation Amount columns are blank.
- If the donation category is removed from the event, the Campaign Name and Donation Amount (if enabled) columns will remain in the export even if no transactions have come through on the event. If a client would like for these columns to be removed, they can submit a request to Application Support.
- If the event was tied to more than one campaign, meaning a donation category was removed and a new category associated with a new campaign was added to the event, a Donation Amount column will be included if any one of the campaigns was configured to 'Show donation amounts to events admins.' Only the donations associated with the campaign configured to 'Show donation amounts...' would populate this column. If all associated campaigns were configured to not 'Show donation amounts...' then the Donation Amount column would not be included.
- When the donation category is added to the event, the reporting on the fields in that category would be included in the campaign export, not in the event export.
- The donation category would not be available to the event admin as an option to export information from this category.
Campaign Form Export
When a campaign is associated with an event through the donation category, an Event Name column is added to the campaign export before the unique transaction id (CIUID).
If a donation comes in through an event, the donation information will be collected in the campaign export and the Event Name column will be populated with the name of the event. The Event Name column will be blank if the donation comes in through the campaign.
Additional business rules for the Campaign Form Export
- If the donation category is removed from the event, the Event Name column will remain in the export.
- When the donation category is added to the event, the reporting on the fields in that category are included in the campaign export, not in the event export.
- If an event is deleted, the donations that were received through the donation category will be removed from the campaign export.
Designations Export
When a campaign with designations is associated with an event through the donation category, a new Event Name column is added to the campaign export before the unique transaction id (CIUID).
If a donation with designations comes in through the event, the designations will be collected in the designation export and the Event Name column will be populated with the name of the event. The Event Name column will be blank if the donation comes in through the campaign.
If the donation category is removed from the event, the event name column will remain in the export.
Events Reconciliation Export
Campaign Name and Campaign Amount columns will be included in the event reconciliation export. The Campaign Name column and the Donation Amount column will be added to the end of the Events Reconciliation Export. Even if there are no events set up with a donation category these two columns will be added to the reconciliation export. This is set at the community level, so each community can determine if they want these columns to appear in the reconciliation exports. If a client would like for these columns to be removed, they can submit a request to Application Support.
If scheduled payments were set up for the donation, the donation amount would be the total amount for the donation. The recurring billing information would be found in the campaign reconciliation export. If a donation does not come in through the event, the Campaign Name and Donation Amount columns are blank.
Failed donation transactions will not show up in the events reconciliation export.
The Campaign Name column will be populated for any event submission that included a donation. The Campaign Amount column data will only be displayed if the 'Show donation amounts to Event Admins' option is enabled for the campaign.
Free Events with Donation - Events Reconciliation Report
Events reconciliation reporting is designed to give a report of event commerce transactions. Since there is no event commerce transaction on a free event, the related donation won't show on the events reconciliation report as there is no event row to show.
Campaign Reconciliation and Designations Reconciliation Export
The Event Name column will appear in the the Campaign Reconciliation export and the Designations Reconciliation Export. Even if there are no campaigns associated with an event, the Event Name column will be added to the reconciliation exports. This is set at the community level, so each community can determine if they want this column to appear in the reconciliation exports. If a client would like for this column to be removed, they can submit a request to Application Support.
The Event Name column will be added to the end of the Campaign Reconciliation Export.
If scheduled payments were set up for the donation, the recurring billing information would be found in the campaign reconciliation export.
The Event Name column will be added before the Unique Transaction ID (CIUID) in the designations reconciliation export.
Event Donation Report
The Event Donation Report will be available for events that are tied to a Campaign configured to 'Show donation amounts to Event Admins'.
The Event Donation report includes a header with the report name, the report description, the Admin Name and Email Address generating the report, the Community, the Event Name and the date / time stamp when the report was generated. The Event Name with the Campaign Name will be above a grid that includes the following columns:
- Constituent ID
- First Name
- Last Name
- Class Year
- Email Address
- Donation Amount
- Type (OT, RT, PT)
Below the grid will be a summary with the total number of donations and the total amount of donations.
Additional Business Rules for the Event Donation Report
- If an admin removes a donation category after donations have been collected, these donations will still appear in the Event Donation Report. If the admin then adds a new donation category that is associated with another campaign, these donations will be added to the same report, but will be broken out by campaign.
- If there have been multiple campaigns associated with the event, then the report will break out the details by campaign.
- The donation amount in the report will be the full donation amount, not just the portion of the donation that has been received. For example. if someone donates $500 and agrees to make 5 total payments, the donation amount shown in the report would be the $500.