Legacy Email Marketing Reporting
NOTE - The metrics will stop updating the evening of April 30, 2018.
- Select Legacy Reporting.
- For additional help, you can click
on the page.
- On the Reporting homepage, you will see tabs for the different detail levels available. You will start out at the All Campaigns level. At any level you can print or export reports for the data. As you move to more detailed levels you will have more options, such as creating a custom report, task or email.
- All Campaigns is the “top level” view of the emails.
- Campaign Detail shows information for a recurring email campaign.
- Message Detail shows information for a specific or one-time email.
- Tracking Detail is the most focused level and is the lowest level you can drill down to.
More Actions for this Data - Click on the dropdown:
- Select Print view a printer friendly version of this report page with the Email Metrics table and any available Chart Reports.
- Select Export to .csv file to export these Email Metrics to Excel as a CSV file.
View Email Content: Click on the right side of the screen. If there are multiple recurrences of the message, then you must open up that email campaign (by clicking on the name of the campaign in the table) in order to see the option to view the message.
View Campaign Detail: To view the detail report for a Campaign or Message, click the Campaign or Message name.
Campaign Metrics Table
The metric information in the table provides you with a “snapshot” of the success of the email. You may sort by any of the column headers by clicking on the column header name.
- Community: Community or sub-community from which the email was sent.
- Category: Email category that was selected when the email was created.
- Campaign Name: This is the name of your Email Campaign. A Campaign is an email communication effort which may consist of a single one-time message (such as an invitation to Homecoming or a solicitation for donations) or multiple (recurring) messages (such as a monthly Newsletter).
- Last Run: This field shows you the date on which the message was sent, or the date on which the last recurrence of the message in the campaign was sent. Hover over the clock symbol to see the exact time the message or the last message in that recurring email campaign was sent.
- Sent: This number tells you how many actual messages were sent out in the course of your mailing Campaign. In the case of a single one-time message, this total will reflect only the number of people who were sent that message. In the case of a recurring campaign, the displayed total will reflect the number of messages sent during the course of the entire campaign, with each individual message's total recipient list added to the overall grand total of campaign recipients. To see a breakdown of recipients for each message within the campaign, click the "Plus" sign (+) to the far left of the campaign's Name. NOTES: Total Emails Sent (on the dashboard) will include emails that have been deleted. This number can be different than total emails Sent in email reporting, since that tool only shows emails that have not been deleted. The email reporting grid is capturing any email that gets "scheduled" in 2014 as "sent" in 2014, but an email might not necessarily be sent in the same year as it gets scheduled. The dashboard does not get updated daily once the year ends (the reporting number is updated every day, but the dashboard no longer updates for 2014 after 12/31/14.
- Kickbacks (Delivery Rate): This number represents the total number of "kicked back" (returned) messages that were generated by the mailing.
Delivery Rate: This number represents the percentage of your total sent messages that reached the intended recipients. The number is obtained by subtracting the total number of kicked back messages from the number sent and then dividing that total by the number sent. Thus, if 250 messages were sent and 10 were returned, then 240 were actually delivered. By dividing 240 by the original number sent, we discovery that our delivery rate for that mailing is 96%. - Opens (Open Rate): This is the number of messages where the system detected that images were allowed and/or a link was clicked on. Click the underlined number to see who "opened" the email (allowed images or clicked on a link). For recurring emails, you'll need to click on the email name to see the detail for each email.
Open Rate: Percentage of the total messages sent that were opened (images were allowed and/or a link was clicked on). NOTE: Please note that the actual number of opened messages is most likely significantly greater than the reported number of opened messages because of the sheer number of email programs that exist and the rapid proliferation and change of anti-spam and privacy technology. Each email program has a unique way of noting that a message has been opened, and many email programs and firewalls block the transfer of the data packets that our system uses to determine that a message has been opened, so this number should only be used as a rough guide to the success of your campaign. - Unopened (Unopened Rate): This is the number of messages that the system detected were NOT opened (See Opens above for more info). Click the underlined number to see who did not open the email. For recurring emails, you'll need to click on the email name to see the detail for each email.
Unopened Rate: Percentage of the total messages sent that were NOT opened. - Clicks: This number demonstrates the total number of in-message links back to the site that were clicked by readers. Clicks are tracked at both the Message and Campaign level. If John clicks on 3 links in an email, Mary clicks on 4 and Dan clicks on 2, the total number of Clicks recorded for that message would be 9. Click on the underlined number to see who clicked on links in the email. For recurring emails, you'll need to click on the email name to see the detail for each email.
- Unique Clicks (Unique Click Rate): This number represents the total number of unique member clicks were generated within a particular message or campaign. Using the same example as above, if John clicks on 3 links, Mary on 4 and Dan on 2, the total number of Unique Clicks recorded for that message would be 3 - one for each unique member who clicked a link within the email.
Unique Click Rate: The number of unique clicks divided by the number of messages delivered. This tells you relative effectiveness of your campaign / message in generating a click response from each recipient - i.e., a 22% Unique Click Rate means 22% of the recipients of the email clicked on at least one link. - Forwards: The number of recipients who used the Forward to a Friend custom content option, if enabled, to forward the email to a friend. This does not count users who just did an a forward in Outlook or other email client.
- Unsubcribes (Unsubscribe Rate): The number of recipients who unsubscribed from the category associated with the sent email. Unsubscribe Rate is the number of unsubscribes divided by the total sent.
Reporting Tools
The reporting tools are used to further filter the data visible in the Campaign Metrics Table and to create charts based on email data.
Date Filters - Use the Date Filtering, in the left hand panel to choose a specific date range for which to display these Email Metrics (and the Chart Reports below).
These filters enable the reporting window for both the metrics and the chart reports (and their related data) to be focused on a particular period of time. Either the Quick Date Range or the Manual Date Range will cause the Metrics grid and the Chart Reports to recompile based on the selected period of time.
Filter - To include only specific Campaigns, indicate by checkbox the Campaigns you want to include, then click the Compare Selected Items button to view only those campaigns in the Email Metrics grid, as well as in the Chart Reports below.
Search - To more quickly locate a particular Campaign, enter a search term in one of the text boxes, click the funnel , then in the dropdown select how you would like to structure your search. (To clear the search and see the full set of campaigns, select the funnel again and click No Filter.)
Tracking Reports:
You can see graphical representations of the data by using Tracking Reports. The Tracking Reports may be viewed as either a Pie or Bar chart. “Drag and Drop” Tracking Reports and Conversion Reports from the left portion of the screen into the areas labeled Drop Chart Here to Add.
Other Tracking Reports available are:
- Top Campaigns by Actions
- Top Campaigns by Unique Clicks
- Top Campaigns by Clicks
The Tracking Reports for Forward to a Friend are:
- Top Campaigns by Email Forwards
- Top Campaigns by Forward Recipients
- Top Forwarders
Top Campaigns By Actions report is based on the total number of actions (profile updates, uploaded photo, registered for an event, made a donation) generated by each Campaign.
If a Forward to a Friend link has been added to the outgoing message, then three Tracking Reports are available for information on the relative performance of campaigns, and also for finding out the members who are forwarding and who they forward to.
- Top Campaigns by Email Forwards enables you to judge what campaigns did best at generating these forwarding actions.
- Top Campaigns by Forward Recipients enables you to judge what campaigns did best by the number of people who received Forwards.
- These Tracking Reports enable you to drill down to find out how all of your campaigns performed by clicking on the 'Show All' icon.
- Drill down further in those reports to find out the members who forwarded, and to whom they forwarded.
- Top Forwarders is a unique Tracking Report that enables you to see which members are doing the most email forwarding, and to drill down to find all the members who have forwarded an email through the system.
Conversion Reports: At the Campaign Summary level, these Conversion Reports provide a graphical view of which Campaigns were most successful for triggering specific member actions in the community.
- Clicking on a specific Campaign either in the chart section or the name of the Campaign, will bring up its associated Campaign or Message Detail Report.
- The Events, Donations and Dues reports are divided into two types - the number of transactions triggered by that Campaign, or the total number of dollars resulting directly from linking from the Campaign.
- The Profile Updates, Class Notes, Job Postings, Classifieds and Message Postings chart options provide reporting based on the number of times these actions were performed by recipients as a result of Clicks of this Message.
9. Click to remove a chart from the grid.
Campaign Detail, Message Detail and Tracking Detail
1. To move to the Campaign Detail or Message Detail, you can either click on the name of the email or click on a “slice” of the pie chart. You will have Tracking Reports and Conversion Reports available to you at both of these levels.
2. When you are at the Message Detail level, there are Tracking Reports available to you that will allow you to see member names.
3. An example of what the Tracking Reports look like:
4. In order to see all of the names of members who were sent an email, click on . This will take you to a screen that looks like this:
Click on the Member Name to view the member's profile page.
More Actions for this Data dropdown:
- Select Print to view a printer friendly version of this report page with the Email Metrics table and any available Chart Reports.
- Select Export to .csv file to export these Email Metrics to Excel as a CSV file.
- Send to Export Member Data - Sends the list to the Export Member data function to allow you to create a custom report.
- Send to Email Marketing - Sends the list to Email Marketing (with the recipients list already loaded) to allow you to create an email.
- One-Time Custom Email
- Recurring Custom Email
- Express Email
- Create a Task - Sends the list to allow you to create a task for follow-up by the admin or assign to another admin.
5. In order to move back to the Message Detail level, click Back.
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