Choose Message Boards from the Community menu.
Create New Category
Type the new category name in the text area provided at the bottom of the table and click Create Category.
NOTE: Only Admins can create, edit or delete categories. Members are NOT able to create categories. Category names should be broad in nature while topics are more specific.
Add New Topic
NOTE: Both Admins and members can add new topics to a category.
1. Click on the name of the category that you want to add a topic for in the Category column.
2. Click Add New Topic.
3. A subject and message are required for each new topic that is created.
4. Notify me of any posted responses via e-mail : If this option is selected, the person creating the topic will receive an email each time someone posts a response to the message. (This option may be changed when editing a topic by clicking on the available hyperlink.)
5. If you would like to see a preview of the post, click Preview. Once you are in the preview area, you will have the options to Edit or Post. If you do not want to preview the message, simply click Post.
NOTE: Messages will appear immediately unless a flagged word is detected. Admins will then need to approve the item before it is posted or delete the message.
Manage Message Boards
Edit a Category, Topic or Post
1. Click beside the post or topic.
2. Make the necessary changes and click to save.
Delete a Post or Topic
1. Click beside the post or topic.
2. Select either
- Do not insert a placeholder to replace the deleted message
- Insert the placeholder verbiage below to replace deleted message
- Use the default message or enter another message for users.
Delete a Category
1. Click beside the category.
2. A confirmation screen will be displayed. Click Yes to complete the process of deleting the category.
NOTE: Please note that all of the messages in that category will be deleted as well. If this category is event specific, deleting this category will break message board functionality for the associated event.