Choose Sub-communities from the Community menu.
Sub-community Snapshot
This grid shows a list of all the sub-communities in your community. Click on the name of the sub-community to go to the sub-community's homepage. Click on a column name to sort the data in the grid. Click the arrows to collapse or expand each area of the grid.
Community - Name of the community
Type - Type of community: Main community, Regular sub-community or Sealed sub-community
Date Created - Date the community was created
Last Admin Activity - Date of the last admin update to the community
Last Group Email Sent - Date the most recent group email was sent
Members - Number of people who have joined the community
Groups - Number of groups in the community
Groups Emails Sent - Number of emails sent from the community
Log-Ins - Number of times people have logged in to access the community
Profile Activity - Number of profile updates/actions
Photo Activity - Number of photo updates/actions
Class Notes Activity - Number of class notes updates/actions
Jobs Activity - Number of job posting updates /actions
Classified Activity - Number of classifieds updates/actions
Message Posting Activity - Number of Message posting updates/actions
Search/Filter Sub-communities
- Enter the search term in the Community or Type text box and click
. You'll see a dropdown list of criteria for filtering your search. Select one of the options to search.
- Filter by date: Select a time frame for the data by entering a start date and an end date in the Show activity boxes.
NOTE: Click Generate Report to get a report based on the search.
Edit a Sub-community
1. Check the box beside a sub-community.
2. Click Edit. Edit the sub-community information.
3. Click Update (at the bottom of the page).
Delete a Sub-community
1. Check the box beside a sub-community.
2. Click Delete (at the bottom of the page).
3. A confirmation message will display. Click OK to complete the process of deleting the sub-community.
Generate Report
- Select Generate Report to get a .csv file of all the sub-community date in the grid.
- Customize your report:
Sub-community Members
Click Import Members to add members to a sub-community by Constituent ID or by selecting from a list of members.
Click Delete Membersto remove members from a sub-community by Constituent ID or by selecting from a list of members.
Import Members
1. Click Import Members.
2. Choose one of the options shown below for importing members:
- Import by entering Constituent IDs
- Import by search for members
3. Click Next.
4. Enter the Constituent IDs or Create a Query depending on the option you chose above and click Next.
5. Select the Sub-community you want the member(s) placed into and click Preview.
6. Click Finish.
Delete Members
1. Click Delete Members.
2. Select the sub-community you want to delete members from as well as choosing how you want to delete:
- Delete members by Constituent ID
- Delete from a list of current members
3. Click Continue.
4. Select the member(s) you want to delete from the sub-community. Use the Control or Shift keys to multi-select.
5. Click Delete.
6. You will be shown a list of the members who will be deleted from the sub-community. Click Finish to complete the process of deleting the member from the sub-community.
Add Members to a Sub-Community using a Data Viewer Query
Select a sub-community from the Available sub-communities dropdown, then build a query using Data Viewer to automatically add members to a sub-community. Membership will be automatically updated nightly.
For example, for an Accounting Department sub-community:
- Select the Accounting Department sub-community from the dropdown
- Create a query (or use a saved query) to find all constituents in the Accounting Department. (Department = Accounting)
- Save the query. It's best to give it the same or similar name as the sub-community. (If you don't give the query a name, the system assigns one. It can be edited in the saved query list in Data Viewer.)
Constituents who meet the criteria for the query will be added to sub-communities in the nightly processing. This process will also remove from a sub-community a member that no longer meets the criteria defined in the query.
Constituents that are added or removed from a sub-community by an admin action are excluded from being added/removed from existing or future saved sub-community queries that drive sub-community membership.
Click to delete a query. Click OK in the confirmation box to complete the deletion.
Click on the Query Name to view the specifics of the query.
NOTE: Only one (1) query can be used for each sub-community.