Create a New Page
1. Navigate to the location where you want the page added before following the steps below.
2. When you hover over New Page, the available modules placed on a page will be listed.
3. Select a module. The module will be put on the new page that is being created. Once the module is clicked, a window appears.
4. Enter the Page Title and select any of the other options desired.
- Go immediately to new page – Takes you directly to the new page to allow you to start working on it.
- Click or click Enter to create the page. (Click to exit without saving.)
Tip: Using New Page vs. Site Map to create a new page
The New Page tool lets you create multiple child pages for one parent page, allowing you to quickly set up an outline of pages that you can go back to later to load with content. New Page also lets you choose which type of module to start your page off with, while creating a new page in the Site Map has you start off with a content block (although you can edit the page to add or change the order of any content modules on the page). Site Map is useful for setting up new pages for different parent pages throughout the site, and allows you to work with the properties of each page.
The system is modified so that PGID's that do not exist in a sealed sub-community does not hit via a URL modification. If you select these page settings, users will see the following results when they attempt to link to the page:
- Page does not exist in communities.
- Users notice the 404 error that says, "The web page you are attempting to reach does not exist. Please use your Back button to return to the previous page."
- The page exists in all communities > Hide from certain communities > select the sealed sub-community
- Users notice the 404 error that says, "The web page you are attempting to reach does not exist. Please use your Back button to return to the previous page."
- The page exists in certain communities, and you do not include the sealed sub-community in the list of included communities, and the GID= in the URL string is changed.
- Users get redirected to the home page.