Targeting Payment Types via URL Customizations

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There are now URL customizations you can utilize to control the payment types showing to donors.

Give Now as the only option

By adding &paymenttype=nowonly to the end of the giving form URL, donors won't see any of the other payment options (scheduled payments or perpetual giving if available). The donor can only make a one time gift.

Scheduled Payments as the only option

By adding &paymenttype=scheduledonly to the end of the giving form URL, donors won't see any of the other payment options (give now or perpetual giving if available). The donor can only make a scheduled/recurring gift. The checkbox will be checked and grayed out so the donor can't modify it. Donors will be able to set up the recurring payment schedule that works for them.

Scheduled Payments as the default option

By adding &paymenttype=scheduled to the end of the giving form URL, the option for scheduled payments will be selected and opened by default. Donors can leave it as the default option and set up a recurring gift or they can make a different selection.

Perpetual Giving as the only option

By adding &paymenttype=perpetualonly to the end of the giving form URL, donors won't see any of the other payment options (give now or scheduled payments if available). The donor can only make a perpetual gift. The checkbox will be checked and grayed out so the donor can't modify it. Donors will be able to set up the perpetual gift that works for them.

Perpetual Giving as the default option

By adding &paymenttype=perpetual to the end of the giving form URL, the option for perpetual giving will be selected and opened by default. Donors can leave it as the default option and set up a perpetual gift or they can make a different selection.

Additional URL Customizations:

Alternative Ways to Display Designations

Auto-fill the Donation Amount

Appeal Codes

The Power of URL Customizations