Anthology - Encompass Issue Resolutions Overview

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When a customer reports an issue to Anthology, it is reviewed by our Support team. If that issue is identified as a defect in the software, it is assigned to our development team for resolution. Each defect is prioritized based on a few different factors. Below are the different types of issues.

Service Outage is defined as a condition in which all or a critical portion of the Application Service is down. Outages are worked immediately and with all expediency as soon as the issue is reported or is detected by Anthology.  Service outages do not include expected downtime resulting from a scheduled maintenance window.

Level 1 Blockers are normally resolved at the earliest possible release date after the issue has been identified by either clients or Anthology. These blocker defects are defined as pages not loading across multiple sites, a pattern of failed electronic commerce transactions and/or unrecoverable loss or corruption of data.

Level 2  Critical defects are prioritized weekly, with resulting code changes rolled within the next available code release.  Level 2 Critical defects are defined as a defect which caused a critical loss of functionality.

Level 3  Major defects are prioritized alongside enhancement requests on a monthly basis. Level 3 Major is defined as a defect that causes intermittent issues or loss of functionality in a non-critical manner. There is no estimated resolution date for Major defects.

Level 4 Minor defects are addressed when enhancements to related features are worked. Level 4 Minor is defined as a condition whereby defects have easy workarounds, impact few clients and may be cosmetic in nature.  There is no estimated resolution date for Minor defects.