Audit / Transactional Export

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Audit / Transactional Export - detailed export of all the registrant activity that displays all of the edits, adjustments, and additions behind each primary and guest registration.



There are several ways to access Event Reports/Exports.

1. From the Events homepage, use the gear icon by the event you want to pull reports for and choose Create Reports.

2. While working in the Event as an admin, choose Form Reporting from Manage Form. Click Create New Export. This will move you directly into the reporting options for the specific event you are working in.

3. From the Events menu, choose Reporting. From the Single Event Reports dropdown, select your event.

4. From the Events homepage, click on the Reports tab.

From the Single Event Reports dropdown, select your event.

Click the Create New Export button under the Optimized Event Exports heading.


Custom Event Data Export: From the Export Type dropdown, you will select Audit / Transactional Export.

When should this export be run: Select when the export should be run. The following options are available:

  • On-Demand: Allows the admin to generate and save an export without scheduling the export. When this option is selected, there will not be a 'File Retrieval' option to select because the export is not scheduled.
  • Once at a scheduled date: Allows the admin to generate, save and schedule an export to be delivered via email or Secure FTP one time at the date determined by the admin.
  • Daily: Allows the admin to generate, save and schedule an export to be delivered daily via email or Secure FTP.
  • Weekly: Allows the admin to generate, save and schedule an export to be delivered weekly via email or Secure FTP.
  • Biweekly: Allows the admin to generate, save and schedule an export to be delivered every 14 days via email or Secure FTP.
  • Monthly: Allows the admin to generate, save and schedule an export to be delivered monthly via email or Secure FTP.
  • Quarterly: Allows the admin to generate, save and schedule an export to be delivered quarterly via email or Secure FTP.
  • Yearly: Allows the admin to generate, save and schedule an export to be delivered yearly via email or Secure FTP.
  • Last day of month: Allows the admin to generate, save and schedule an export to be delivered the last day of the month via email or Secure FTP.
  • Last day of quarter: Allows the admin to generate, save and schedule an export to be delivered the last day of the quarter via email or Secure FTP.

On Demand - if On Demand is selected, you will have the option to save the export to be used again later. The Export Name is required and will be used to save the export in the Optimized Event Exports grid. The Description is optional and will be added to the Optimized Event Exports grid if the admin chooses to enter one.

All others - all other options will require you to provide additional information. An Export Name is required and will be used to save the export in the Optimized Event Exports grid. The Description is optional and will be added to the Optimized Event Exports grid. The From and To dates will be used to set dates used for the export. The start date is a required field, but the end date is not required. If no end date is selected, the export will continue to be generated until the export is deleted or an end date is entered. The file retrieval option(s) will be presented. If your site has been configured to utilize SFTP, an option will be available to select it.

Click Next to save and move on.

Configure Data

Filter data based on when users submitted the form - This option is unchecked by default. When the option is checked (enabled) a From date box and a To date box are displayed allowing you to enter the dates to filter the submissions. The admin is required to enter either the From date or the To date. If a From date is not entered it will pull data since the first submission. If a To date is not entered it will include data through the last submission.

NOTE: If you put in a date range, the export will contain rows within that date range as well as any associated debits or credits that apply to the rows in the export. For example, if you entered the date range of 11/16 - 11/18, you would get the data from within that range plus the adjustment that took place on 2/8 since it is connected to a registration that took place during the timeframe (see Omar Morgan's rows below).

Click Next to save and move on.

Notification Email

The Notification Email step allows you to configure the email that is sent with the scheduled export. This step is not shown if the admin selects to run an On-Demand export or if the admin selects to have the export saved to the Secure FTP. The email notification step allows you to add recipients to receive the email and to set the name that will appear on the From line. These will default to the email address and name of the admin creating the export. The From Email will not be configurable and will be set to The subject will default to "Site Name - Scheduled Export Export Name is ready", but can be changed. The message will also have default text.

Click Next to save and move on.


If running the export On Demand, you will have the following options:

If you scheduled the export, the Finish page provides details about the created export: Export Name, Export Description, the export schedule (if applicable), how the email will be retrieved, and a button to return to reporting.

Optimized Event Exports Grid

When you complete the steps in the export, all exports that were saved to be used again will be added to the Optimized Event Exports grid with the details that were defined when creating the export. The following columns are included in the grid:

  • Report Name
  • Description
  • Date Added
  • Export Type
  • Frequency
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Data Output
  • Last Run
  • Last Updated By

The options available under the gear icon for the export are the following:

  • Run Export - Running the export opens a new window with the following details:
    • Export Name - The name of the export the admin is attempting to run.
    • Export Description - The description of the export, if one is provided.
    • A radio button option that is selected by default to Use existing settings. This will run the export with the settings that were configured during the initial creation of the export.
    • Another radio button option to Filter data based on when users submitted the form. Selecting this option will display a From date box and a To date box to allow the admin to enter a new date range to run the export. A From date or a To date is required to generate the export if this option is selected. Both dates do not need to be entered.
  • Edit Export - Editing the export will move an admin to the settings configured during the initial creation of the export. The admin will be able to go in and make changes to the export. Admins will be required to go all the way through the flow in order for the changes to be applied.
  • Delete Export - Deleting the export will display a message asking the admin to confirm the action to delete the export. If they select the OK button, the export will be removed from the grid.

Export Columns

There are default columns added to the start of the export. These columns are: Constituent ID, Member ID, First Name, Last Name, Action Date, Registration Count, Registered By, Order Total, Email Address. The rest of the columns will represent the data fields that made up the registration form.

No additional columns can be added to this export. If there are additional fields you would like to include, you must add them to the registration form in order for them to be pulled in.

There is no opportunity to arrange the columns prior to export.

Billing information is included in the export.

Column Definitions:

Action Date:  A date stamp in the Audit / Transactional Export which will accurately track when an admin/user/iModules employee enters, adjusts or updates a registration.

Updated By:  Displays any user (admin/user/iModules employee) who submitted or changed an existing registration.

Submission ID: ID used to group a registrant's registration submission and any adjustments or edits together. These rows will contain a value in Submission History or Adjustment ID.

Submission History ID:  An ID used to group a registrant's registration submission together. This row will not contain a value in Adjustment ID.

Adjustment ID:  A unique ID that appears on rows with adjustment information.  This row will not contain a value in Submission History ID.

Business Rule

  • If primary registrant is deleted and has guests, the report will identify this in the Updated By column by including First Name, Last Name (deleted) of the primary registrant. If a primary registrant is deleted and has no guests, expected behavior is that their entire row will fall off event reporting. The same will apply if a guest of someone is deleted.