Full-Site SSL Information

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This page exists so you can review what domains or URLs are configured for your site. You must be a super admin to view this page.


1. Hover over the gold key icon in the upper right of your site.

2. Click on the Full Site SSL Information Link.


3. A page with the following information will be shown in a table.

Site URL: provides the URL of one of your sites

Communities: will indicate if it is the primary URL. If there is no value being displayed, then the Site URL is either a redirect or has configuration that needs review to determine the appropriateness of where its traffic will resolve to. 

Certificate Recommended: There a different values that may populate in this column. The possible options are shown below:

  • Already SSL - this value indicates that the URL has already been configured with a certificate.
  • Yes - this value indicates that the configuration of your site will cause the user to remain on this domain. A certificate is recommended.
  • No - This value indicates that the configuration of your site does not cause the user to remain on this URL. A certificate is not needed, but may be configured if you want to use the secure versions of this URL in external links (i.e. links in emails, etc).
  • Ineligible - This value indicates that the URL is configured to redirect for the Content Delivery Network. A certificate will not be supported.
  • Reconfiguration Needed - If you see this value, please contact IModules to review the configuration for this URL as we cannot automatically determine if a certificate is required.

If you have additional questions, please visit the Full-Site SSL area.