Patternized Content Blocks must be activated and configured by the Encompass Design team. The Patternized Content Block menu option won't appear in the list of available modules unless the Design team has utilized them for your site design.
NOTE: Patternized Content Blocks are different from News articles that may have a special pattern or format.
- Adding the Patternized Content Block to a CMS page
- Assigning a Layout
- Add Article
- Manage Articles
- Additional Business Rules
Why use the Patternized Content Block Module?
- Simple UX for the admin experience when they create, edit, or delete different articles and manage the content within easy-to-use windows.
- Flexibility allows for a range of information to display based on the pattern within the Encompass.
- No need to know HTML to have content displayed in a unique way.
Adding the Patternized Content Block to a CMS page
Adding a Patternized Content Block to a page is very similar to adding any other module. If activated and configured on your site, you can see a new option under Content Modules named Patternized Content. Select the appropriate option from the flyout menu to drag and drop it onto a CMS page. Once it is on the page, admins can add an item or edit the module. All CMS Admins who can add a content module to their site can add the new Patternized Content Block.
Assigning a Layout
If you add the module to a page, you will also need to select a Layout. You may also want to edit the Layout following these instructions.
- Enable Content Builder.
- Hover over the module and click on the building block icon.
- You will have an option to set the Audience.
- There is an option to include an Archive Filter.
- There is an option to set the Display Limit.
- You can get to see a list of Layout Options. Select the Layout.
- Click the Save button.
NOTE: If there are articles already associated with the flyout option you added to the page, they will appear once the Layout is selected and saved.
Add Article
- Click on the Add Article icon -
- to add an article.
NOTE: It is recommended that you create the articles in the order you want them to display so you won't need to spend time sorting. - Enter the necessary information in the boxes provided. The input boxes available will vary by client and configuration since the Design team creates the input boxes.
- Click the Save button.
Manage Articles
- Click on the Manage Articles icon -
- to manage the articles.
- The Manage Articles window will display a search option and all of the articles associated with the Patternized Content Block Type chosen from the flyout.
NOTE: Any sorting or editing done in this area will impact all Patternized Content Blocks using the same Patternized Content Block Type. For example, if the same Patternized Content Block type is used on two different pages, and the sort order is updated on one page, it will impact both pages. - Edit or delete an article by using the gear icon.
- Change the ordering by using the direction arrows to the right of each article.
- Click the Save button to save changes.
Additional Business Rules
- You can not set the Audience at the article level. It is set when working with the Layout and would persist across the Patternized Content Block Type.
- Sorting the articles will persist across the Patternized Content Block Type even if it is used on different pages. A change on one page will impact all of the pages the Type is used on.
- The Writer Administrative right isn't currently following the approval process. When the Writer creates any articles, they get approved automatically and are visible.
- The Encompass Design team can only add new Layouts and Patternized Content Block Types.