Please note that product releases are scheduled as followed by environment:
Canadian = Monday evening | Australian = Tuesday morning | U.S. = Tuesday evening
Table of Contents
- Constituent Management View
- Disable Fields in Form Building Mode
- Email Marketing Custom List - Save Button Added to Selection Grid
- Identity Checkpoint
- Mobile Apps - App Publishing Event Configuration
Product Functionality
Constituent Management View
Constituent Management View offers an improved search feature that makes it easy to find member and non-member records based on first name, last name, email address, or unique ID. The unified point of entry streamlines the process for taking actions on behalf of a constituent within Encompass.
Constituent Management View: Search
- Search Members Tab: search for record by First Name, Last Name, OR Email Address
- Member ID Look-up Tab: search for record by iModules Member ID
- Account ID Look-up: search for record using offline DB primary key
Constituent Management View: Summary Page
- Summarizes key field values including for the last login and iModules primary key for a given record.
- Links in the Options, Member Actions and History areas quickly direct you to disparate sections of Encompass while maintaining the connection to the selected record.
- Handy icons indicate whether an email address is valid or invalid.
Constituent Management View: Administrative Access
- A new Member Look-up option has been added under Members in Blue Navigation
- At a minimum, an authenticated user must have "Member Admin" rights to use the tool.
- Menu options are visible on the summary page based on assigned administrative rights
Constituent Management View: FAQ
- Does the tool return non members?
Yes - Does the tool return privacy protected members
Yes, but only to super admins and protected record admins. - Is the existing member search going away?
No - Does the Last Logged in Date update with pre-population from email?
Disable Fields in Form Building Mode
It will no longer be possible for an administrator to enter values into field inputs for forms in Form Building Mode. Fields can still be added, removed, configured, and sorted.
Email Marketing Custom List - Button Added to Selection Grid
The addition of a "use selected" button reduces the number of clicks required to associate or remove multiple list selections to an email.
Generic and Commerce Forms Use New Form Renderer
These form types now have the separate “Form Building” and “Data Entry” modes in the Encompass UI.
Identity Checkpoint
Added an expand all option to the merge grid to allow admins to open all records visible - determined via the page size (10, 20, 50).
Mobile Apps - App Publishing Event Configuration
Pulishing an event to mobile apps is now configurable to Event Admin users of Event App Manager (EAM). This enhancement is beneficial to those who would like to control which, if any, of the two mobile apps an event would populate.
App Publishing Event Configuration FAQ
- What are the configuration options available?
Each event can be configured to display in the Event App only, Event Check-In only, both apps, or neither app. - What are the steps to configure the event?
- From the Events view, select the hyperlinked event name or the gear icon from the respective row to launch the Edit Event view
- From the Edit Event view, select the appropriate check boxes that correspond to the apps which the event should display
- Are the changes instantaneous?
Yes, the event should be added or removed from the respective apps anytime the user causes a refresh after the change is made in EAM
Issue Resolutions
ENC-24279 resolved a problem where static directory search results were not rendering on initial page load.
ENC-29312 fixed incorrect verbiage on expired credit card emails.
ENC-29281 ensures the form type is passed through to the Beanstream payment gateway.
Email Marketing and Form Reporting
ENC-29390 and ENC-29167 corrected 524 time out errors triggered on large exports to csv from email marketing and form reporting.
Email Marketing
ENC-29417 fixes an issue where emails with invalid syntax (for example missing a period)were added to the exclusion report but never invalidated. Clients may see an uptick in their invalid email count that does not correspond to recorded bounces.
ENC-29417 ensures that spam reported emails are no longer marked as invalid.